that trust
Swimmming Lane
that's continuous
Boys sailing a small yacht
that's magnetic
Large yacht sailing
that builds
Close up of compass
that compels
Outboard motors
that's uncompromising

Why Carbon Swan

We believe there are three main things that differentiate us from other leadership and development consultancies:

  1. Why we do what we do.
  2. How we do it.
  3. The results we get and the impact it makes.

Why we do what we do

This is at the heart of what makes our approach successful. It’s not just another job to us: it's an opportunity to make a real difference through our partnership with you.

We aim to develop leaders who create legacies: for their organisations, their shareholders, and their communities.

Find out more about our philosophies.

How we do it

Using our bespoke leadership models and Magnetic Learning approach, we work at a deep level to help you find the best in your values, purpose and vision: for yourself, your team and your organisation.

We view things through the eyes of the learner: their starting point, their perspective, their thinking and their experience.

We engage with the right stakeholders throughout to keep our sense of the organisational pulse as current as is possible for an external partner.

We give as much attention to the journey process as we do to creating compelling content.

Find out more about our approach.

Results and impact

Together we'll develop and refine the character, capability and presence you may be missing at the moment.

When unlocked this:

  • Creates clarity and belief.
  • Creates intensity, focus, energy, dreams, attention and courage.
  • Inspires and influences greater degrees of loyalty and engagement.
  • Transforms the depths of confidence.
  • Drives improved performance and results.
  • Improves organisational climate.
  • Evolves organisational culture.

“Your expertise, enthusiasm, sensing, courage, giving and smiley face (always) could not have been a better role model of fully present, connected and inspirational leadership. You are, by far, the best.

“I have reconnected with who I am, I understand how I can use this in my every day life, and as a result I am happier and having so much fun.”

AS Strategic Marketing & Planning Director Experian